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Hey there!

My name is Jose Angulo

I'm award winning Technical Sound Designer and Composer, with emphasis on videogames, I have worked on a dozen videogames ranging from different styles. I deeply love the art of sound and videogames. To me, Sound Design is Game Development with an emphasis on audio. If you have a videogame, I would love to chat about it, more if it's an indie project :).  Feel free to hit that contact button, or DM on my socials.

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Killer Klowns From Outer Space, the Videogame

Online multiplayer game for all major consoles developed by Teravision Game where I worked as Technical Sound Designer. The most exciting and challenging part of this game is the online component, which brings a whole world of posibilities.


La Casa De Papel

Unreleased official mobile game of the award winning series, developed by Killasoft.
Here I worked as Audio Director, Technical Sound Designer and Composer. This  game was done in Unreal Engine 4.


Adventure-Suspence Horror Metroidvania game developed by Maleiwa Studios. Play as Vincent, a kid who tries to escape his deepest nightmares. Here I worked as Technical Sound Designer using Unity and Wwise, and also contributed with the soundtrack of the game.

Beat The Heat

A Resource Magement videogame consisting on making a sustainable society, developed by Blazing Soft. Worked as audio director on this project and sound designer.

Héroes Del Bicentenario

A visual adventure that portrays the process of indepencence of Colombia. On this game you will play as differen historical figures, making desitions that will determine the destiny of the country. On this project, I was in charge of Music, Sound Design and also did some voice acting.

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